Studies show that when consuming content, our brains process clusters of words at a time, focusing on structure to extract meaning quickly.
Here are three tips to boost your newsletter open rates and keep readers interested:
1 — Use small chunks
Break text into small paragraphs. This makes reading effortless and inviting.
2 — Group ideas visually
Structure your content with headings, dividers, quotes, and callout blocks to organize your message and guide readers seamlessly.
This is a callout block. They help readers quickly find important information.
3 — Opt for clean design
Ensure your website, blog, or email templates are free from distracting elements. A clean, intentional layout enhances readability and holds attention.
Good design and formatting go beyond aesthetics — they make your message accessible at a glance.
Ready to elevate your online presence? Read our proposal to discover how editorial content can transform your brand and the ways Crown and Type helps you build authority and a loyal audience.